Threat Intelligence & Incident Response

X/NDR Provider CloudCover’s Results of CC/B1 CyberSafety Platform

Assessment from the industry-leading lab shows the platform offers “many security gains” and instantaneous blocking of adversarial actions

CloudCover®, an automated intelligence (AI)-driven cybersecurity platform, today announces the results of the recent testing of its CC/B1 CyberSafetyPlatformTM, conducted by the Rochester Institute of Technology’s (RIT) Eaton Cybersecurity SAFE (Security Assessment and Forensic Examination) Lab. The lab’s assessment shows that the CC/B1 platform provides “significant defensive capabilities” and “successfully defended vulnerable systems” against many common cyber threats and attack scenarios.

CloudCover engaged RIT’s SAFE Lab with the primary objective of evaluating the effectiveness of the CC/B1 Platform in stopping cyber criminals from successfully completing cyberattacks. Utilizing the common vulnerability security scoring system calculator maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, this objective was broken down into three smaller objectives:

  • Observing the speed in which the platform acted after recognizing an attack
  • Assessing the ability of CC/B1 to defeat inbound attacks against known vulnerable systems
  • Examining the platform’s ability to stop malicious connections to the internet

Utilizing advanced mathematics for deep learning and predictive analysis, CloudCover’s CC/B1 Platform relies on a patented SOAR (security orchestration, automation, and response) technology that collects threat data from all corners of an organization’s network and streamlines it to create a clear, easily seen picture of their cloud data landscape. Acting as an additional layer of protection and a complement to an organization’s existing security stack, CC/B1 inspects, analyzes, anticipates, and reacts to threats utilizing multilayered security algorithms at microsecond speeds, with near-perfect accuracy.

According to the research report, the SAFE Lab’s evaluation team observed “many security gains” attributed to the use of CC/B1 – the platform was able to recognize and block many attempts the team made to gather information about protected systems, attack protected systems and simulate data exfiltration from protected systems. The report also notes that “the speed with which adversarial actions were blocked appeared instantaneous in virtually all cases.”

“Third-party testing is imperative when it comes to cybersecurity solutions, and RIT’s SAFE Lab provides the most thorough and rigorous testing in our industry,” says Stephen Cardot, CEO and co-founder of CloudCover. “We’ve always been confident in the CC/B1 platform’s ability to stop cyberattacks quickly and efficiently, and this evaluation gives us further validation that we have a solution to help companies of all sizes shift from reactive cybersecurity to proactive, prepared CyberSafety – especially as we prepare to roll out insurance for CC/B1 to our current clients this fall.”

“When I first heard about CloudCover, I was intrigued by their willingness to provide assurance for their clients in the form of financial loss protection and risk transfer,” says Justin Pelletier, PhD, director of RIT’s Global Cybersecurity Institute’s Cyber Range and Training Center, who acted as the co-investigator on CloudCover SAFE Lab testing. “It’s rare for cybersecurity providers to back up their claims with insurance.”

To obtain a complete copy of CloudCover’s product evaluation by the RIT SAFE Lab, please contact Chief Marketing Officer John Riordan at

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