The leading storage software provider StorPool announces a solid 30% Year over Year revenue growth in 2021. For the past year, StorPool has solidified its place in the storage market and continued developing its platform.
StorPool Storage develops the most reliable and speedy primary storage platform that public and private cloud builders use as the foundation for their clouds. Despite the global pandemic, StorPool grew its customer base with large Cloud and Managed Services Providers. They invested in evolving their infrastructure and delivering a customer-centric storage offering ideal for companies that aim to optimise and grow their cloud services, eliminate data storage issues, or secure accelerated and reliable access to data.
In 2021, the company released version 19.3 of StorPool Storage, introducing significant changes such as a management GUI and enhanced open-source cloud computing support.
Recently, they announced the next major release, 19.4, that offers better agility and reliability, updated hardware and software compatibility, management and monitoring changes, and improvements in the native business continuity features.
For the past two years, during the global pandemic, StorPool has observed steady growth of customers and revenue and expanded their team by approximately 25% each year.
At the very end of 2021, StorPool won first place in the category “Storage Transformation Project of the Year” at the SDC awards 2021. StorPool was also recognised as a leader in Distributed Software-Defined Block Storage for enterprises, MSPs, and hosting providers by HostingAdvice.
At the end of 2020, StorPool was named Software Defined Storage (SDS) Vendor of the Year at Storage Awards. The innovative scale-up company placed first, leaving the tech giant IBM as a runner-up in this category.
“2021 was a successful year for StorPool with increased customer traction, numerous product improvements and valuable new team members joining the company.”, said Boyan Ivanov, CEO & co-founder of StorPool Storage.
“Our customers’ needs are evolving, and we are growing our product based on what they aim to achieve in their current projects and their visions for the future. We keep advancing StorPool Storage to meet the product maturity expectations of current and potential customers, especially power users with large-scale clouds like IT services providers and SaaS/e-commerce leaders.”, added Alex Ivanov, Product Lead at StorPool Storage.
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