Crunchfish Gesture Interaction AB (“Crunchfish”) has received an Intention to Grant from the European Patent Office (EPO) regarding gesture interaction with a physical or virtual display to type PIN codes or passwords in a unique way every time. The patent protects scrambling the keypad or display to ensure different touchless interaction patterns every time PIN codes or passwords are entered to lock or unlock the wearable. The patent number is EP18197711.7 and is valid until September 2032.
Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) are two important market segments for Crunchfish and entering PIN codes or passwords securely is a key problem to solve for providers of wearables and AR/VR platforms. Gesture interaction is the preferred way to enter a PIN code or password. Voice control is not an option and the use of physical buttons, if at all available, is often time consuming.
All wearables need a PIN code or password protection from unauthorized usage. As gestures are visible to people around the user, a smart mechanism protecting the PIN code or password is needed. This innovation solves it by re-arranging the letters and numbers in the virtual display. In that way, the hand movements will be different every time a PIN code or password is entered, which provides the desired protection. The patent covers both locking and unlocking of a device using gesture interaction on a scrambled virtual display.
This is Crunchfish’s 12th innovation in the area of Gesture Interaction and completes the patent portfolio as all 12 unique innovations have now been granted patents.
“This is a key patent for our gesture business that protects locking and un-locking of a wearable device in AR/VR, two of our focus markets”, says Joakim Nydemark, CEO of Crunchfish Gesture Interaction AB.
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