Geospark Analytics, the world class leader in developing applied artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for global threat and risk assessment, was just awarded a $95,000,000 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract with a five year ordering period for the Phase III commercialization of their Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) technology called Hyperion. The U.S. Air Force (USAF) originally awarded Geospark Analytics a $40,000 Phase I SBIR as part of their Pitch Day Event in 2019. Over the course of the next 18 months, Geospark Analytics delivered a series of Phase I, II and III enhancements to its Hyperion platform like collaboration and mobile features to the USAF, U.S. Combatant Commands and Federal Civilian Agencies. Now with this new enterprise-level contract Geospark Analytics will provide near real time situational awareness capabilities to the entire U.S. Federal Government by identifying and forecasting emerging events on a global scale to mitigate risk, recognize threats, greatly enhance indications and warnings and provide predictive analytics capabilities. Work will be performed in Herndon, VA, and is expected to be completed September 1, 2026.
“Geospark Analytics is so excited to partner with the U.S. Space Force to bring the full weight of our revolutionary Hyperion capability to the entire U.S. Federal Government,” said Geospark Analytics CEO and Founder Omar Balkissoon. “Our Hyperion AI engine has gotten a lot of attention lately because of the work we’ve done on COVID-19. In the last quarter alone, we’ve closed, and successfully transitioned, five enterprise level contracts with two more in negotiation, and our work now spans all three pillars of the Federal Government—Intelligence Community, Department of Defense and Federal Civilian. But there has also been recognition that with Hyperion Events, Hotspots, and Pulse stability models the U.S. Federal Government will receive insights into mission relevant events happening around the world well beyond COVID, an understanding of how those events impact U.S. operations at home and abroad, how they shape the future operating environment and offer an ability to easily manage the increasingly complex and growing publicly available information.”
“Our Hyperion platform is the only commercially available technology that can simultaneously alert users to breaking events, spikes in activity, and drops in stability via access to a web browser or mobile application from anywhere in the world at machine speed. We are exceptionally effective where social media, particularly Twitter, is not prevalent—a testament to the fact that we collect from 6.8 million unique sources of data today! With this award we are well on our way to realizing our vision to make the world safer, healthier and more efficient,” said Geospark Analytics President Amanda Brownfield.” Brownfield added, “Our groundbreaking Pulse stability model is our calling card, and it is only thru our platform that users working everything from watch operations; to logistics and transportation; to defense, intel and security; to law enforcement are armed with data to make them Future Ready!”
“I spent 23 years in government service, culminating as a senior executive with the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) before ultimately joining Geospark Analytics as a founding member about 3 years ago,” said Geospark Analytics COO John Goolgasian. “Biased or not, I would have given my right arm as a senior executive at NGA to exploit this kind of partnership with Industry. This is a truly amazing story of collaboration between a small, disruptive technology company and the government. It demonstrates that the government doesn’t have to look to Silicon Valley, Boston or Austin for innovation that matters.” Goolgasian added, “Geospark Analytics is here in our nation’s capital, and just in our CSuite alone is 70 + years of reputational experience in small, medium, and large businesses directly facing the U.S. Government, as well as support at, and for, the executive level across the U.S. government, which means we understand how to apply technology against mission! This award is not only a game changer for us, but thru the implementation of the commercialization strategy, this Phase III SBIR ensures that the whole of the U.S. government and our commercial clients will benefit from this investment!”Â