Glimpse of Human-Computer Symbiosis Future Unveiled at SMC2020

MSBAI, an Air Force Techstars 2020 company, unveiled new technology developments of their cognitive AI assistant GURU, at the Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference (SMC2020), Hosted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

MSBAI CEO, Allan Grosvenor, gave a keynote address entitled “Expertise-Capture: a Key to Human-Computer Symbiosis in Engineering.”

The adoption of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) simulation software, and High Performance Computing (HPC) have demonstrated explosive new growth during this decade. What was considered supercomputing ten years ago, is now available to anyone for rent on the cloud. And yet, we are only on the foothills compared to the mountain of new adoption that is about to occur. Growth achieved so far was driven by the compute-constrained nature of CAE, and the fact that modern compute power and price have met those constraints.

The next liftoff will come from addressing the expertise-barrier — the fact that months to years of training is needed to adopt one new simulation package, and that the manual time to set up a new simulation is longer than the time it takes to run it.

Presenting some of their latest efforts to minimize the human workload needed to translate engineering questions into computational workflows, Allan Grosvenor, CEO of MSBAI, said: “Today, simulations take longer to setup than they take to run. We think the number of engineers using engineering simulation software and HPC [High Performance Computing] is nothing compared to what it’s about to become!”

MSBAI is a privately held small business located in Los Angeles, CA, developing the cognitive AI assistant for engineering: GURU.

SMC2020 is the Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences & Engineering Conference: Driving future science & engineering discoveries through the integration of experiment, big data, and modeling and simulation. Virtual Conference August 26-28, 2020,

AI TechPark

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is penetrating the enterprise in an overwhelming way, and the only choice organizations have is to thrive through this advanced tech rather than be deterred by its complications.

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