The “Global IoT API Market by Category, Solutions, and Deployment Model in Industry Verticals 2022-2027″ report has been added to’s offering.
This research assesses the market challenges and opportunities associated with development and support of IoT APIs. The report evaluates leading companies, solutions, technologies, and use cases.
The report also analyzes the role of IoT APIs in support of key functional components of the IoT Ecosystem including Identity Management, Mediation, and other operational support functions. The report includes detailed forecasts for IoT API revenue globally, regionally, and by industry verticals for the period 2022 to 2030.
Select Report Findings
- The overall IoT API market will reach $212.5 billion by 2026, led by North America at $97.8 billion.
- One of the best market drivers for IoT APIs is their ability to facilitate the exposure of APIs to attract IoT companies, application companies, and individual IoT app/service developers.
- Over the long-term, we see developers using APIs to both establish/support IoT aps and services as well as a means of employing virtual control of Smart Objects in the Real World.
- While many companies offer their own APIs, there are some that do not provide open APIs. There is an opportunity for API management companies to take over the task of managing the IoT API program on behalf of a given company.
- Major IoT Data source segments include Smart Systems (systems interacting with other systems via automation), Ambient Systems (data from the business and/or consumer environment), Personal Assistants (intelligent agents that act on behalf of users), and Quantified Self (self-improving products) to name a few.
Application Programming Interfaces (API) represent a set of requirements that describes how applications should communicate in a systematic manner. APIs are important in the IoT world for the same reason that they are important in general – they provide a means of decoupling functionality from platforms. In other words, one is not married to an IoT platform with APIs.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is anticipated by many to have great potential to deliver business value. Billions of devices generate data associated with various enterprise and consumer lifestyle events such as shopping activity, utility usage and other smart grid data, advertisement response, status of goods in transport, weather forecasts, traffic conditions, vehicle maintenance, public transport, downloads and usage of applications, and much more.
IoT APIs are the cornerstone of signaling, communications, and data exchange. This is arguably critically important in the case of database access for various transactions. The prudent use of APIs provides operational flexibility, scalability, and enhanced opportunities for new application and service deployment. APIs will become table stakes for IoT interoperability between platforms, devices, and gateways. Moreover, IoT APIs will become a critical part of major IoT application and service developer programs.
The publisher sees an especially important role for IoT APIs in the support of signaling, communications, and information exchange between certain key authoritative databases including Identity Database (IDDB), Permissions Database, and Device Discovery Database.
Each of these databases will be accessed via IoT APIs in support of the IoT Mediation function necessary for the long-term scalability of IoT networks and systems. Furthermore, IoT APIs will be at the foundation of data interchange in the emerging IoT Data as a Service (IoTDaaS) marketplace.
Key Topics Covered:
1 Executive Summary
1.1 Importance of IoT APIs
1.2 Market Outlook in Brief
2 API Management
2.1 API Management Platform Components
2.1.1 API Gateway
2.1.2 API Developer Portal
2.1.3 API Analytics
2.1.4 API Monetization
2.2 API Management Considerations
2.2.1 Core Capabilities
2.2.2 Quality of Service Attributes
2.2.3 Vendor Assessment
2.2.4 People Criteria
2.2 IoT API Management Challenges
2.2.1 Wide Range of Protocols
2.2.2 Security Risks
2.2.3 Mobility Issues
2.2.4 Reliability Requirements
2.2.5 Scalability Needs
2.2.6 Interoperability Needs
3 API Management Tool Providers and Solutions
3.1 3Scale
3.2 Akana
3.3 Alcatel
3.4 API Axle
3.5 Apiary
3.6 Apify
3.7 Apigee
3.8 APIphany
3.9 Atmosphere
3.10 Axway
3.11 CA API Management
3.12 Cloud Elements
3.13 Cumula
3.14 Deployd
3.15 DreamFactory
3.16 Emergent One
3.17 Kasabi
3.18 Kong
3.19 Layer 7 Technologies (CA)
3.20 Mashape
3.21 Mashery
3.22 Nevatech Sentinet
3.23 REST United
3.24 Restlet
3.25 Socrata
3.26 StrongLoop
3.27 Swagger
3.28 Tyk
3.29 Vordel
3.30 WebServius
3.31 WSO2
4 IoT API Market Drivers
4.1 Access to IoT Platforms, Devices, Gateways, and More
4.2 IoT and Data as a Service (IoTDaaS)
4.2.1 Data as a Service (DaaS)
4.2.2 DaaS Federation
4.2.3 DaaS and IoT
4.3 IoT Mediation
4.3.1 IoT Platform to Platform Mediation
4.3.2 IoT Platform to Device Mediation
4.3.3 IoT Device to Device Mediation
4.3.4 IoT Mediation Roadmap
5 Monetizing IoT APIs
5.1 IoT API Business Models
5.1.1 Peer Support of Platforms, Devices, and Gateways
5.1.2 Supporting the API Developer Community
5.1.3 Data and Database Transactions
5.2 IoT APIs and Data
5.2.1 IoT API support in Data Management
5.3 IoT APIs Monetized through IoT Mediation
5.3.1 IoT APIs support Identity
5.3.2 IoT APIs support Permission
5.3.3 IoT APIs support Device Discovery
6 IoT API Forecasts 2022-2030
6.1 Global IoT API Revenue 2022-2030
6.1.1 IoT API Revenue
6.1.2 IoT API Revenue by Region
6.1.3 IoT API Revenue by Application, Device, Platform, and Deployment
6.1.4 IoT API Revenue by Market Sector
6.1.5 IoT API Revenue by API Category
6.1.6 IoT API Revenue by Industry Vertical
7 North America IoT API Revenue 2022-2030
8 Asia Pacific IoT API Revenue 2022-2030
9 Europe IoT API Revenue 2022-2030
10 Latin America IoT API Revenue 2022-2030
11 Middle East and Africa IoT API Revenue 2022-2030
12 Conclusions and Recommendations
13 Appendix
13.1 IoT Protocols and Standards
13.1.1 Infrastructure
13.1.2 Discovery
13.1.3 Data Protocols
13.1.4 Communication / Transport Layer
13.1.5 Semantic
13.1.6 Multi-layer Frameworks
13.1.7 Security
13.1.8 Vertical Specific Standards
13.1.9 IoT Management
13.2 IoT API Solutions
13.2.1 AT&T M2X Keys API
13.3 IoT APIs in Industry Verticals and Functional Areas
13.4 IoT API Standardization Efforts
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