Employers are realizing now more than ever that the overall health of their organization is directly affected by the emotional health of their employees. Due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, employers are facing challenges with heightened stressors, employee burnout and turnover. Emotional Health Company myPersona (www.mypersona.care) provides a solution for addressing the mental health needs of employees through prevention methods like virtual guidance sessions & data-backed assessment tools.
Formerly known as HealthPersonas, myPersona has expanded its focus to help employers increase resiliency and emotional wellbeing among their workforce by launching a new version of their mobile app, a digital tool used by employees to connect them with a team of credentialed coaches, or “Guides,” educational workshops & webinars, and an expansive “Emotional Health Toolkit.” Employers looking to improve the emotional health & happiness of their employees can request a demo of myPersona at www.mypersona.care/workplace.
The proprietary myPersona method for learning about an individual, addressing their current situation, and improving perceptions is based upon years of research and experience. The myPersona program is centered around the patented KnowMe™ assessment, which provides an individualized assessment of a person’s psychological needs and whether those needs are being met.
The myPersona method focuses on the way an individual perceives the world and how it affects the way they feel daily. With 24/7 availability of the companion team, live digital sessions with the Guide team, and a library of educational webinars, articles, and blogs to enable people to make changes on their terms. myPersona helps employees feel better about themselves and the world around them.
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