RangeForce Cloud-delivered Training Modules will be Accessible for Free to BCA Members
RangeForce, the company that is revolutionizing cybersecurity training, today announced a partnership with the Black Cybersecurity Association (BCA) to provide hands-on cyber skills training to BCA members. The alliance will help BCA members acquire new skills for career advancement and new job opportunities.
“This partnership with RangeForce will enable us to achieve our member training goals by providing hands-on and role-based learning modules that are accessible anywhere, anytime,” said Darold Kelly Jr., founder of the BCA. “We are excited to be able to offer access to this world-class training platform to our members.”
Programs offered by BCA are aimed at positively impacting communities while engaging and empowering members to become leaders in the industry. The BCA will have access to RangeForce modules that support the cybersecurity training needs of individuals and teams alike. The on-demand and cloud-based RangeForce solution allows learners to work with leading security tools, equipping them to detect and respond to the latest cyber threats.
“Darold and the entire BCA organization are helping the industry address a shortage of trained cyber professionals while supporting members to advance their careers,” said Jackson Thibodeau, Sr. Director of Channels at RangeForce. “The organization’s inclusive and community-first approach to career mentorship is raising the bar for our industry. We are extremely pleased to be partnering with BCA and its 2,000 members.”