Ransomware Realities for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses


All organizations can be the target of ransomware, where users’ files or computers are taken hostage or system access is hindered for a ransom. And while big game hunting is on the rise — where ransomware operators target larger organizations with potentially larger rewards — ransomware frequently targets small and medium-sized organizations, including state and local governments that often are more vulnerable to attacks.

This paper explains the impact of ransomware on small and medium-sized businesses, explores factors that lead to increased vulnerability and offers advice on how to protect and secure your organization.

Read this white paper to learn:

  • Why company size does not ensure safety from ransomware attacks
  • Why SMBs have a lot more to lose than they might think
  • What some of the common vulnerabilities look like for SMBs, including the human factor
  • How SMBs can protect against ransomware, prepare for a potential incident, and find help if they’ve experienced a breach

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