Low code tools create efficient and resilient value chains


Continually changing market issues are affecting all industrial companies and their value chains. Users need personalized, easy-to-use apps that help them optimally perform their tasks and meet business and customer expectations. Low-code tools can create efficient and resilient value chains that are transforming how businesses connect data and processes across their platforms.

Read the latest article from CIMData to discover how manufacturers and commercial businesses can use a low-code development platform to support their digital transformation and IT modernization needs.

Value chain in manufacturing

The many challenges manufacturers face today are forcing them to rethink how they operate. Value chains in manufacturing, the set of activities that a manufacturer performs with its partners to transform a product or service from idea to reality, need to be built or rebuilt.

Committed industries must leverage new technologies to digitalize development, production, operation and service lifecycles to create new value chains and revenue streams, all while maximizing and modernizing existing investments.

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