Soracom Now Connects More Than 4 Million IoT Devices Worldwide

Rapid growth driven by strong uptake in connected consumer electronic devices

Soracom, Inc., a global provider of advanced IoT connectivity, today announced that its Soracom Air wireless data service now keeps more than 4 million devices connected around the world. The growth – up from 3 million announced in June 2021 – is being driven by strong uptake of IoT devices in the consumer electronics sector, among other industries.

Soracom’s connectivity solutions are used by the most innovative developers, SMBs, and SMEs worldwide to help them accelerate IoT deployment, minimize risk, and ensure successful, scalable IoT rollouts. The company’s commitment-free, pay-per-use connectivity services feature built-in private networking, cloud integration and secure bootstrapping capabilities. Soracom announced its first 1 million connections in June of 2019. Since then, use of Soracom’s secure, scalable, connectivity platform has expanded dramatically thanks to accelerating adoption across industries and geographies.

In the consumer electronics industry, for example, personal EV innovator WHILL Inc. uses Soracom connectivity to achieve a 30 percent decrease in power usage for its connected chairs. Meanwhile, consumer products like the Pocketalk personal translator and the Pebblebee Found pet and family tracker use Soracom to deliver consumer experiences that delight end users by taking advantage of leading-edge capabilities like eSIM, LTE-M, and eDRX. And consumer robot company GROOVE-X utilizes Soracom to connect the LOVOT home companion robot.

“Soracom doesn’t just provide reliable global IoT connectivity,” said Noriyuki Matsuda, CEO of SOURCENEXT Corp., maker of the Pocketalk handheld translator. “Their team is clearly committed to our success. Soracom delivers leading-edge eSIM technology, local breakout for fast data turnaround, and advanced lifecycle management tools that let us make sure Pocketalk ‘just works’ for consumers in 132 countries around the world.”

Additional Soracom customers exhibiting and demonstrating at CES 2022 include:

  • IoThink Solutions, Booth #60437-7 (IoT/M2M Agnostic platform and use cases design)
  • Yukai Engineering, Inc., Booth #51127 (Consumer Robotics/IoT)
  • Global Mobility Service, Booth #51127 (FinTech/IoT)

Soracom’s next-generation IoT connectivity platform is device-, cloud-, and bearer-agnostic. It provides everything the people, teams and organizations building tomorrow’s connected world need to connect any number of devices to their preferred cloud easily, affordably, and reliably, with complete network control, anywhere in the world.

“Consumer electronics represents one of the most promising categories in the fast-growing world of connected devices,” said Kenta Yasukawa, Soracom CTO and co-founder. “Soracom is committed to supporting the teams creating these new consumer experiences with powerful, flexible connectivity solutions. And advanced capabilities like iSIM, which we recently demonstrated in collaboration with Sony Semiconductor Israel, Ltd. and Kigen, let us support the ever-smaller form factors that CE demands.”

For more information on Soracom, visit

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