New entity to develop talent and drive collaboration with the public sector to advance AI for public good
Deloitte’s government and public services practice announced the new Deloitte Artificial Intelligence Institute for Government (DAIIG) today. Institute leaders outlined a set of commitments and actions to advance applied AI in the public sector by building a cross-sector community for research and shared expertise, and mentoring and growing the talent of the future.
“As evidenced in the recent National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence report, advancing the use of artificial intelligence is a national imperative. While decisions and actions to accelerate AI innovation need to happen today, implementing AI brings ethical and technical challenges that are as complex as any we have faced in recent history,” said Ed Van Buren, principal with Deloitte Consulting LLP and executive director of DAIIG. “Deloitte’s AI Institute for Government is focused on efforts to actively help the public sector harness and shape this movement towards blending human and machine capabilities in a way that improves citizen services, promotes economic growth and recovery, and expands human opportunity”
The institute is a hub for innovative perspectives, collaboration and research focused on all-things AI and related technologies for government. To achieve this, the institute will engage leaders from state, local and federal government, industry, and academia. The community will reach beyond technologists to include disciplines in the humanities and sciences.
“AI is more than technology — its adoption presents a seismic shift in the future of how work is done and how public servants, individuals and society work with intelligent machines and big data,” said Tasha Austin, principal with Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory, Deloitte & Touche LLP; and director of DAIIG. “The community built through this institute is at the leading edge of how AI is applied to the work of government to improve everything from health care to national defense. We will address critical questions of how we build ethics and transparency into the very DNA of AI to foster trust and advance human potential, rather than increase inequity.”
Some of the work and commitments underway for DAIIG’s first year are listed below.
Build an AI community of research and shared expertise
The talent and capabilities embodied in the institute deliver applied AI case studies that make concrete differences in public sector challenges. The institute is a center for AI in the public sector community and fosters learning, exploration and an exchange of ideas. Early commitments include:
- Research and develop AI-powered solutions in collaboration with’s AI Exploration Lab at the Capital Factory in Austin, Texas and the newly launched CortexAIâ„¢ for Government platform. The lab is an innovation hub and storefront to sense new AI technologies, incubate capabilities and create a space for co-development and collaboration. The lab specializes in operational data science, edge computing and the intersection of national security and AI technology innovation.
- Leverage industry leading AI experts from our government and public sector practice to research AI, develop solutions and publish insights to problems that matter to the government.
- Support existing AI communities of practice in government through events co-sponsored with leading nonprofits and trade associations.
- Establish relationships with academic institutions to identify trends and conduct interdisciplinary research on applied AI for the purpose of pioneering and creating disruptive AI technologies and solutions for the public sector.
Mentor and grow AI talent of the future
Establish a robust set of partnerships with leading academic programs and promote individual mentoring programs for early career individuals, built on the foundational commitment to promote diversity and inclusion in the field. Early initiatives include:
- Lead a discussion of women leaders around AI and Success for Women in STEM careers at the virtual University of Virginia Women in Data Science Worldwide Conference on Friday, March 19.
- Provide mentorship opportunities and resources such as scholarships for rising STEM students from underrepresented communities and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
- Collaborate with United Way of the National Capital Area to bring AI concepts and technology to middle schoolers in the Greater Washington Metro Area.
The DAIIG will be the public sector arm to the Deloitte AI Institute launched globally in June 2020.
For more information visit the Deloitte AI Institute for Government webpage, connect on Twitter at @DeloitteGov or on LinkedIn at Deloitte Government.
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