Author : Wilson Pang

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A software engineering and data science tech leader, Wilson Pang, CTO at Appen, is passionate about driving businesses to succeed through innovation in training data for AI. Before Appen, Wilson was CDO at CTrip in China, Senior Director of Engineering at eBay and a software architect at IBM.
Guest Articles

Should Your Business be Using AI?

Wilson Pang
You would frequently try to wrap your head around the importance of the inclusion of AI in your business. Read more to know what to...
Guest Articles

What Does Responsible AI Mean to Me?

Wilson Pang
Wilson Pang, CTO at Appen, reflects on the role of ethics in artificial intelligence The dialogue on responsible artificial intelligence (AI) continues to expand as...
Guest Articles

Why Data is the Foundation of Artificial Intelligence

Wilson Pang
Data is critical to AI deployments. Odds are, if you’re working with AI, that statement isn’t a huge surprise. 93% of respondents surveyed in our...