Author : Bryan C. Kissinger

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Bryan C. Kissinger, PhD is the Senior Vice President of Security Solutions and Chief Information Security Officer for Trace3. He is a seasoned IT and security professional with over 20 years of experience leading global teams in the successful delivery of technology solutions that enable business value. He is known for his ability to rapidly mature IT risk and information security programs and quickly deliver on the implementation of emerging technologies to solve complex business issues. He has served as the information security leader at multiple large healthcare organizations—this expertise is coupled with Big 4 consulting leadership across emerging technology, financial, retail, and government sectors. Using his unique business-minded approach, he is an advocate for, and has implemented many, next-generation security solutions focused on preventing and detecting current and anticipated threat vectors.
Guest Articles

The Algorithmic Sentinel: How AI is Reshaping the Cybersecurity Landscape

Bryan C. Kissinger
Explore the transformative potential of AI in safeguarding digital assets against evolving cyber threats. The ever-evolving digital landscape presents a constant challenge in the face...